Embrace where you are and love there
"Here's your red dress, fancy don't let me down" - old women were tipsy singing this at the top of their lungs. Of course, then there was the couple beside me who spoke russian and looked like they had lost a bet.
It's not unknown that I was that girl in the stands at CHS football games that knew every move to every cheer. I enjoy school spirit. I enjoy rowdiness, heckling, and winning while doing it. Thank you Chad Cooper for getting me back into a high school football setting. I absolutely loved it. Maybe too much. Go Montgomery Bears!!
I leave you with this: One time, sophomore year, Jordan Zelios was waiting on Bethany Fowler to get ready... SHOCK. :) So Jordan decides to hurry the process. Did she...
A. Go and pull bethany by her pony tail all the way to the car.
B. Complete some homework assignment that would take an average person 4 hours, and Jordi 15 minutes.
C. Appeal to the West Texas side of her roommate and scream: "Beathany, get your good slippers on... we're going to Wal-mart!"
C = success. And my favorite quote... ever.
In honor of my first favorite team of all time.. ever... I must relive my favorite UT memories. And again re-visit my thought process and why I decided not to go there.
Texas Fight, Texas Fight! It's goodbye to A&M.
Texas Fight, Texas Fight! We'll put over one more win
Texas Fight, Texas Fight
It's Texas that we love best!
Please note: Chickfila Dr. Pepper, Coffee, and Motrin = Studying Success.
On another note...
I did go on a 4th grade shopping spree today. Yes.. I went to Claire's. Please, don't judge. 8 weeks ago I stood in line behind a 4year old and in front of a baby in order to get my ears pierced for the first time (technically I got them done in 6th grade, but the earring fell out, holes closed up) with my mom by my side. :)
So I needed some new earrings, but I needed cheap and simple. So after rummaging through the peace sign studs, I found $5.50 pearls. Victory. Except, the greatest part was when the cashier
asked me how I'd gone so long without a pair of pearls.
I panicked. I couldn't have this complete stranger know that I was new to the world of earrings at the age of 22. Why? I don't know, but at the time it seemed horrifying. So I replied they were for a little girl I knew. HAHAHA. She said I was sweet. I said Thank you.
And finally, as an old Longhorn fan (I still sing the fight song with pride as if I went there) and as a current Baylor Bear who loves her green and gold, may I say: OU sucks. Forever and Always. <3
Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Romans 12: 9
The Bugs will always be superior to the trashmen. Always.
Freshmen year bid day...(sigh)
"Something new is happening inside us."
-Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis