Friday, October 23, 2009

It's the most wonderful time of the year!




hahaha, this my friends is Baylor. Dark brick. Green grass. Romantic Benches. and Squirrels. Lots and lots of squirrels.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Texas Fight

In honor of my first favorite team of all time.. ever... I must relive my favorite UT memories. And again re-visit my thought process and why I decided not to go there.

- I could tell the play-by-play of the entire 4th quarter of the Big 12 Championship game of 1997 when they played Nebraska. I think mom put a hole in dad's shirt when she cheered too long and left the iron on it.
- I wore a UT cheerleader jersey every visit to austin, and everyday I was there and every Saturday of football season, for several years.
- My first phrase as a baby... Boo Aggies. (I think my mom is embarrassed of this fact)
- My mom used to try and yell the "nice version" of the Texas Fight song when I was little so I didn't know that everyone was actually screaming "Give Em Hell."
- I saw Roy Williams's last game his junior year versus A&M. It was amazing! The whole stadium chanted "Stay Roy Stay" as he took a victory lap around the stadium. My brother leaned over to me and said "You know you're a stud when the top program in the country is begging for you to stay."
- I saw Ricky Williams break the all-time rushing record versus A&M. Some men behind me had tears in their eyes. It was beautiful.
- My cousin Ashley and I would make up those clap-game-motion-things to lyrics about the Longhorns. You know.. like "I went to a Chinese restaurant to buy a loaf of bread, bread, bread..." Well our version would go something like "We went to austin texas, to beat the heck out of A and M..."
- All my mom wanted for Christmas was a blown-up and framed picture of Vince Young and the National Championship game... so that's what she got.
- When we weren't at the actual game, Thanksgiving in Sweetwater surrounded by Longhorn fans made for some of the funniest moments I've ever witnessed of my uncle, dad, brother, mom and cousins.
- I knew I loved Travis when he told me he going to go to UT, but then decided Baylor was best for him. Thank you Jesus.

Even if A&M and/or OU had the best program for my field.. I couldn't go there. Not because I would be disowned from my family. I would just feel... dirty. Gross.

All of that to say: Yes, I will fling my green and gold afar. But I will always love my horns.
Mom and Dad: mission successful.

Texas Fight, Texas Fight! It's goodbye to A&M.
Texas Fight, Texas Fight! We'll put over one more win

Texas Fight, Texas Fight

It's Texas that we love best!

Give Em Hell!

Give Em Hell!

OU Sucks!

And it's goodbye to all the rest!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


My brother comes home with 5 GINORMOUS steaks from Central Market. He is about to start the seasoning process when... "oh, i almost forgot" is muttered under his breath. I inquired "What?" very eloquently. He replied, "I almost forgot my Maker's."
"Seriously Craig"
"Lindsay, I'm preparing steak. It's what you do."

For those of you who don't know... this is Maker's:

I love living with my brother. For a couple of reasons:
1) I am educated with this type of information all the time. I mean, you just can't pay for that kind of stuff at a university.
2) Your parents have a one-stop shop for helping both you.

For example, this weekend, our parents are driving to come cook, clean, laundry, and shop for us as we both study. We are blessed. and possibly spoiled, though we would never verbally say that.
On another note, I am overwhelmed. Four classes. Two practicums. A job. And an independent study. Yet, no matter how weary I become, I am also overwhelmed by how lucky I am with these opportunities.
This independent study thing is new: may I expand? I'm too excited to not talk about it. I am beyond blessed to be paired with a SLP at UTD and two incredible people at Children's Medical Center as we put together a Resource Room for parents that have just found out their kids have autism. It's so cute! It has two little couches, two book cases that hold tons of articles, brochures, textbooks, and binders that contain different categories of information that parents have so many questions about initially. But what they don't have is current genetic research and current language findings and studies. This is where I read articles from Journals that are not available to the public, write them in a 5th-6th grade reading level summaries, and put together a binder to add to the room. Then I have to give presentations to a group of neurologists, psychiatrists and counselors that work on the psyche ward at Children's about what I have found that would benefit their practices.

I am 22. I feel I am unworthy, unintelligent, and immature to conquer such a thing. But I guess the truth is... I'm not suppose to do this on my own. I'm pouring prayers over this little room on the 9th floor that it will be used for HIS glory. For his presence to be felt to calm hearts of parents so that they know their child will be used to hopefully further the Kingdom, no matter their diagnosis. He has a plan. I may be summarizing genetic findings in autism, but I'm determined that people will walk away with so much more than new knowledge.
So if you need me.. that's where I am.. at Children's, praying and reading. Reading A LOT.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Travis's uncle told me recently "Lindsay... you know 1989?" As I nodded he responded "yeah, well I don't remember a thing. I was in grad school. "

So... 2009 and 2010, I'm determined to remember you, to cherish you, and to learn from you. To focus not on specifics from textbooks, but on the encounters I have with patients and clients of all ages, of all diagnoses. Embrace that these people will most likely have a bigger effect on me than my current terrible therapy skills will have on them. Take their stories with me throughout each environment I practice in so that my heart may continue to soften for each and every person and family I work with.

Speech Pathology... you are the world in which I can help change. Lord, give me the courage and heart to find opportunities to shower people with your love first and awesome intervention second.

With all of that being said... back to studying I go. Blacktober, I choose not to like you, but I will conquer you. With Jesus and coffee.

Please note: Chickfila Dr. Pepper, Coffee, and Motrin = Studying Success.

On another note...

I did go on a 4th grade shopping spree today. Yes.. I went to Claire's. Please, don't judge. 8 weeks ago I stood in line behind a 4year old and in front of a baby in order to get my ears pierced for the first time (technically I got them done in 6th grade, but the earring fell out, holes closed up) with my mom by my side. :)
So I needed some new earrings, but I needed cheap and simple. So after rummaging through the peace sign studs, I found $5.50 pearls. Victory. Except, the greatest part was when the cashier
asked me how I'd gone so long without a pair of pearls.

I panicked. I couldn't have this complete stranger know that I was new to the world of earrings at the age of 22. Why? I don't know, but at the time it seemed horrifying. So I replied they were for a little girl I knew. HAHAHA. She said I was sweet. I said Thank you.

And finally, as an old Longhorn fan (I still sing the fight song with pride as if I went there) and as a current Baylor Bear who loves her green and gold, may I say: OU sucks. Forever and Always. <3

Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Romans 12: 9

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Where my mind is at

My mind is exactly what it should be on. You know when those coaches would yell "where in the world is your head at!?" loud enough for everyone --even the people that didn't understand the sport--to know that you are doing terrible. Or when Tom Hanks yells at his player Evelyn in the movie A League of Their Own... I will quote if from memory for those who have missed out:

Tom: "Evelyn!... Evelyn!"

E: "Yeah.."

Tom: "Which team do you play for?"

E: "Oh well I'm a Peach"

T:"Well I was just wondering, because I was trying to figure out why you'd throw home, when we've got a 2 run lead! You let the tying-run get to second base! and we lost the lead because of you! Now you start using your head! That's that lump 3 feet above your ass!"

It of course goes onto the most popular phrase in my family: "Are you crying!? Are you crying!? There's no crying! There's no crying in baseball." Except you may insert whatever it is that you don't want somone crying about in place of baseball... and WELCOME TO THE FAM!

Anywho, all of that to say: I could answer that question today confidently knowing I'd get a smile from some coaches... the answer: flag football. Which is exactly where my mind is suppose to be at this time of year. At this point for the last 4 years my Fall was consumed with practices, team dinners, and tunnels not made by parents but sorority friends ( I would say sisters, but I still think thats weird). It's absolutely ridiculous that grad students find themselves too busy for this incredible game.

I have this weird memory with sports. I can literally tell you play-by-plays from years ago.

For example, I remember when my best friend Shelly Brown was going down to score for the Lethal Weapons when we were playing The Big Green in soccer. (age.. 8? 9? 10? who knows) Let me preface this by saying we were awesome. Okay.. so Shelly is dribbling on the right side of the field, their goalie who always annoyed me with how loud she was, came literally screaming out from between the posts. Shelly then, without turning around or looking, steps on the ball and pushes it back to Kate, distracts Zena Warrior Princess for Kate to score instead of her. It was amazing. But actually, Kate's ball sailed about 15 feet above the post. I still remember it though.

Back to flag football...

I don't know what it is. It gave me two knee injuries, and my parents fabulous medical bills. I think it was being apart of a team again. Or maybe being able to dig down and truly sweat for a purpose instead of just running to run. Or it could have been the names of our plays... yeah that could have been it. Yes, we had a playbook. A playsheet for the coach, and a playbook our center would keep. It was an amazing system.

Bread and Butter




Reverse Squared

Fake Reverse... pattern maybe?

There were at least 15 we memorized. But "Mullet" will always hold a special place in my heart. Bethann to jordan.. 5 yard pass. And as soon as some ditzy (sorority to remain nameless) thought she had jordi down, I would be off halfway down the field. It was pure glory everytime. Yeah yeah.. so it's a hook and ladder.. but we thought it was genius.

Needless to say.. I could use an annoyingly bright yellow tridelt jersey right about now... I sure wish we had "alumni games". You know.. homecoming. Ateam versus the alum. It might make my life.

I think I'll go look up exactly what intramural sports these "Comet" people play. My guess.. chess and ping pong. Go Comets.

Monday, October 5, 2009

I am coming in this strange reality that I might maybe may be on the road of adulthood. For example, I got up at 6:00am to make breakfast, shower (woh), finish reading an assignment, dressed in presentable clothing and was at work by 8:00am. A workplace that I took the Tollway to no less. The tollway. Are you kidding me? I'm paying to drive on a road when I could ride on others my parents paid for already over the last few years. But alas, I drive on this road everyday, to and from work, to and from school.
I miss being bored. I miss being surrounded all the time. I miss knowing exactly what Susan was doing just by hearing her walk around her room upstairs. "oh she must be looking for our rush shirt for today" I would think if several drawers closed within a few seconds of each other. I really miss thinking midnight was a great time to start to think about going to bed... IF everyone else was.
Waco is missed. George's, Crickets, the Tridelt room.. yeah, I said it, Harris Creek Baptist Church, and oh that Student Life Center.. how I love thee. I even strangely miss having people I hardly knew come over for group projects. Always slightly awkward, but nevertheless... missed.
But this isn't about those things. This about being shaped by those things. Those people. Those experiences. So that the people I come into contact with today get a much better version of me, because hopefully I am more full, more alive, and more willing than ever. Jesus may have something to do with it as well. So here it is.. the last of my wallowing in what I wish still was.
Pensacola, FL.. favorite week ever.

The Bugs will always be superior to the trashmen. Always.

Freshmen year bid day...(sigh)

and wallowing is... finished.

"Something new is happening inside us."

-Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis